Quo Vadis & Friends: Tam O'Shanter with FKABAM

31st January

Introducing Tam O’Shanter

​​​​​​​An alternative Robert Burns QV & Friends evening with FKABAM
Wednesday 31st January 2024, 7pm

As bees flee hame wi’ lades o’ treasure,
The minutes wing’d their way wi’ pleasure;
Kings may be blest, but Tam was glorious,
O’er a’ the ills o’ life victorious!

A heartening number of you have been in touch seeking news of the release of next year’s Burns Night tickets, and dear members, here we have an answer for you.

Albeit a classically eccentric one…

It wouldn’t be a QV January without a) celebrating the Scottish bard and b) doing so with our friends from FKABAM and their unorthodox, often-genitalia-inspired, and always delicious food. As well as a touch of haggis and a blast of bagpipes.

This year, however, on 25th January, the main night dedicated to ‘our Rabbie’, Jeremy will be in Sri Lanka at a prestigious culinary event, and so we have opted to dedicate a night to Burns’ ballad of Tam O’Shanter  (on the 31st) rather than the usual Ode to a Haggis.

The poem could, we suppose, be read as a morality tale about the dangers of staying out later than you said you would, boozing with your mate and encountering the creatures of the night. That said, Tam gets away scot-free minus a little snipping of the tail of his trusty mare, so maybe it’s just about making sure you always leave the party in the nick of time.

We hope you will join us in taking a chance with the warlocks and witches…

There will be three courses of feasting, poetry reciting and mirth and fun growing fast and furious. A welcome drink by Gin Mare or Everleaf (non-alcoholic) is included.

Tickets are £65, purchase here.

(We take no responsibility for any injuries to the horse you rode in on).

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